An Engaging Recitalist and Performer
Anthony believes that listeners at an organ concert should be taken on a journey. There may be a linking theme that unites every work on a programme, but at the very least there should be an understanding in the audience of how each piece relates to the one before and the one after.
“Hammond possesses abundant musicality and prodigious technique that allow him to perform challenging scores with aplomb and authenticity.” (American Organist)
“Splendidly assured and uninhibited performances…” (Choir & Organ)

Unless there is a specific reason to make it impossible, Anthony enjoys talking to his audiences. This is about more than reading out a programme note. Everything about the concert should be about communication, both verbal and musical, and his spoken introductions place music in context and always receive warm thanks from audiences. He loves to educate in an enjoyable and subtle way, and finds that personal engagement with the listeners is a vital part of achieving this.
Anthony plays a wide variety of concerts and recitals, from conventional to creative
- The California Wine Suite with paired California wines to go with!
- The Organ Works of Elgar
- A Evening at The Last Night of the Proms
- The Art of Transcriptions
- Improvised symphonies on themes submitted by the audience
Examples of such series have included:
- Bach Connections – the music of J.S. Bach in the context of the composers who inspired him and those he inspired in turn (four concerts)
- Fairest Isle – organ music and organ transcriptions from around the British Isles (four concerts)
Contact Anthony about a concert or recital